What is Love?

Not my photo

Love is something when you give it away, you end up having more.

— Malvina Reynolds.

I think I am smart unless I am really, really in love, and then I am ridiculously stupid.

— Taylor Swift

Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.

– Robert A. Heinlein

What is Love?

~Love is opening your heart to someone or something.

~Love is seeing the best in another.

~Love is what happens when your mind gets out of the way.

~Love is giving of yourself to the benefit of another. Love is also receiving that gift from another.

~Love is the peak of the tallest mountain. It lifts us up to the clouds while whispering “don’t look down.”

~Love is giving without expectation of anything in return.

~Love is power that heals separation, brings comfort and leads to the knowing that ALL is held securely and sacredly, in the Divine Mind of Creation.

~Love summed up in 3 words. Respect, Honesty, Loyalty. R.H.L. Real High Love

~Love is that of long-lasting companionship, honesty, support, compassion.

~Love is knowing there are many kinds of love in this world and that I can exchange love with everything and everyone in this life!

~Love is moonlight licking the arched back of the porpoise and a witness on the ever moving shoreline.

~Love is how I feel about Lucille and Beth and Morgaine, and others too, but those three stand out.

~Everything in the known / unknown universe is impermanent, except Love.

~Love is the single & only permanent reality – transcending all limits.

~Love is the warm buzzing that tells a seed when it’s warm and wet enough to begin growing. The umbilicus that pulses between this ethereal world of finite form and the eternal ocean of unfathomable consciousness; that which connects them as they feed each other’s other-ness, longing, reaching; impossible gratitude.

~Love is showing up, even when you don’t want to/are tired/would rather just rest.

~Love is the Primal Yearning that animates all existence.

~Love is the animating force of all things.

~Love is the pull behind the string bringing us from this moment to the next.

~Love is accepting one another exactly as we are.

~Love is consciousness.

~Love is kindness when we want to act otherwise. Love is also holding boundaries when we’d rather shy away and remain small.

~Love is knowing when to let you go.

~Love is when I feel I can love myself and love you too.

~Love is expansive, not a box that grows full.

~Love is finding that essential part of the other and allowing everything else to change and evolve in any direction it needs to.

~Love is the willingness to trust in the darkness and the uncertainty.

~Love is undivided presence.

~Love is eroding the separation between you and them.

~Love is paying attention.

~Love is giving attention to good or so called bad. Love is caring and doing something for it.

~Love is when helping in secret.

~Love is what makes the flowers grow, the earth spin, the wind blow, the stars shine and creation keep creating.

~Love is the ocean that encapsulates the Monad causing it to yearn for and dream up the Other and then Love manifests as their relationality.

~Love is dreaming about a world where we respect, care for, listen to, honor, heartfully gift, and support everyone, human and more than human, as kin.

~Love is feeling safe enough to be able to express what you feel and need.

~Love is clear boundaries.

~Love is ecstasy and all the best of reality.

~Love is service, sacrifice while retaining adoration.

~Love is that Undefended space of total surrender, acceptance.

~Love is acceptance and celebration.

~Love is gazing at my daughter, as she laughs in absolute delight .

~Love is expressed perfectly through laughter.

— From blog Earth Devotion by Mary Morgaine Squire